Progressive Tattoo Parlors
Years ago, it was the norm for tattoo parlors to have an intimidating ambience. I am speaking from experience as I walked into a tattoo parlor back in the early 70's, eager for my first tattoo and shaking with nervous anticipation. To my dismay, I was ignored and felt very out of place and felt very intimidated. Due to this first experience, I didn't return to a shop for 20 years, after my daughter recommended a shop. Although this shop was still not very welcoming, it was a much more positive professional experience than the atmosphere of 20 years prior.
Fast forward another 10 years and 12 tattoos later, and I can safely say that you can find a comfortable shop in every town. Unfortunately, some tattoo shops still keep up the intimidating factor which I will never understand. I have heard numerous people who have walked in and promptly walked out to seek a more comfortable atmosphere. Or have attempted to speak with a tattoo artist in an uncomfortable atmosphere and felt mocked by the shop personnel.
I do not understand what the shops hope to gain since I know they lose customers with the lack of customer support. Do they like to have the tough, tattoo artist aura of 25 years ago when tattoo customers consisted of biker, tough guy types? Do they feel it's a rite of passage to give the customer a hard time? Why? Getting a tattoo is a very personnel act and these days, people are looking for artists and shops that give them a warm fuzzy feeling.
I know of a shop that approached the business in a different way with locating in the country, flowered curtains, lots of windows and a bright atmosphere with non-ear splitting music. I spent countless hours hanging at her comfortable shop and heard a lot of feedback from the customers and the overall opinion is that these people loved the atmosphere. Some had walked out of other shops in town and were hunting for a shop they felt comfortable with.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_Stevens)