Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Temporary Tattoos

Temporary Tattoos - Why They Became Popular

Temporary tattoos or fake tattoos are gaining more preference nowadays. Before, making temporary tattoos was unheard of. There was simply no market for it because wearing one would make you a "poser". If you wanted to get "inked", your only option was a permanent tattoo.

But not a lot of us can handle the pain. Tattoos were usually equated to toughness because let's face it. You need to be really tough in order to handle the pain. There's also the question of choosing tattoo designs. Being permanent, you really have to choose the design wisely. A wrong choice can lead to a lifetime of regret or an expensive tattoo cover up.

It's a different story nowadays. Wearing temporary tattoos is becoming an option for everyone. It's a good way to express yourself, minus the pain and the hassle of getting a permanent one. You don't need to be tough in order to get one. Even kids can have them. Not to mention the fact that it's way cheaper than permanent ones.

Besides, kids were the first market for it. There's nothing like colorful temporary tattoos to liven up the kids and the party. It's a great source of entertainment. You just need to give them away during a party and the kids will surely have a blast. It's also a great gift for kids.

Adults then joined the fun. Adults realized that it's a good alternative to permanent tattoos. But before, you had to be content with the available designs. Yes, you can easily get them from tattoo parlors but the tattoo designs back then were limited. If you wanted one, your choice would be among roses, butterflies or angels.

Thankfully, a lot of people recognized the potential of making temporary tattoos. It opened a gateway for more custom temporary tattoo designs. If you have a custom design in mind that you want to wear on your body, you don't have to go to a tattoo artist and get a permanent tattoo. You can easily have your design made into a temporary tattoo. You don't even have to go out of your house, you can easily order it online.

But why would adults want to make them? There are a lot of uses for temporary tattoos. It is one of those things that basically have the same effect on kids and adults. Sure, it can also liven up any party just like how it livens up children's parties. But there are better uses for it. It's usually used as giveaways for events and fundraisers. I'm sure you know that you really can't give away free permanent tattoos to your guests. So giving your guests temporary ones with your custom tattoo designs is the more logical choice. You can easily customize it to what you think would be best for your event or fundraiser. It's true that the idea of making temporary tattoos in itself is not new. But it can be considered a novelty if you're going to use different tattoo designs each and every time. You can never go wrong with using them as giveaways. It's fun and is a wonderful tool to get your message across. (EzineArticles.com)

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Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Body Tattoo

Body Tattoo Ideas - If Your Tattoo Could Talk, What Would it Say About You

If you're looking for Body Tattoo Ideas, the first question you should ask is "Which tattoo styles will look good on my body?" There are endless styles and designs you can choose from. You will want to get one that goes well with your skin and hair color, body type and personality.

Perception: The way you perceive yourself may or may not be the way others perceive you. So it's a good idea to talk with other people who can help you develop your body tattoo ideas. Will your new tat complement your overall appearance? Ask others how they think it will look, what colors will be most appealing, and will it be artistically pleasing to the eye.

Theme: If you are a street fighter, a cute cuddly ready bear may not be a good choice for you. Look for a theme that matches both your style AND your personality. Study books and other resources for various tattoo styles to help you choose what yours might look like. There are MANY designs to look at. Use them, and let your imagination go wild.

Message: Discover what your design says about you by studying people with similar tattoos. Watch TV shows about tattoos, and visit body art expos. And never be afraid to speak with local tattoo artists. They will be happy to give their opinions about various styles, and if a particular design will be a good choice for you.

Ultimately, if you take the time to research your body tattoo ideas, you'll have a fairly easy time figuring out what will look great on you. It won't take long for you to design the perfect piece of art for your body. Just avoid going into the studio without first doing some research, and you should be o.k.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

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Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Girl Tattoo

Girls Tattoo Designs - The Additional Appeal to the Sexiest Girls

From past few years, it has been observed that the tattoo industry is growing rapidly and in most of the times people are having much knowledge about tattoo ideas. Most of the people are still not having much knowledge about these tattoos. One thing I need to say is these tattoos will speak sexy language of the body.So, most of the people are interested to design tattoo on their bodies to tell the language of themselves. Especially, the youth are following some fashion rules and regulations with these they are able to motivate them selves.However, the following few lines will provide some tattoo ideas repeatedly.Every one of us would like to design the tattoos, which we saw them at galleries and many places.When it comes to the originality, this one is the absolute must.When it comes to the flowers, most of the people are interested to have flowers on their body parts.You need to consider so many things, like you are interested design a flower tattoo, that one must be bright, colorful and nice vines that will add more grace to the tattoo.Some of the tattoos are showing the lifestyle of the person.And remaining flowers like lily, rose and hibiscus is the remaining popular one that has a very different symbolic meaning.

When it comes to footing area, most of the people are interested to design star tattoos on their foot. And also there is a wide range of foot array tattoo is available.So many people are interested to design single star, shooting star and some clusters of small starts and many more. And designing a literary or quote tattoo is one of the greatest ideas and it should be an Italian, Spanish language, and also Japanese also suggested to design.You need to have so many formats in these traditional language tattoos by printing some photos and many more to do. However, there are some incredible foot designs are available in internet.Take your own time and select eh best one for your needs and after that you can design tattoo on your body.

These tattoos are most popular in these days and tattoos for girls right now.Finally, there are some well established and experienced webs sites are offering some find tattoo design for their clients.For more information and details, please visit their web site.

Article: www.articleshow.com.

Find out the other guide on New Tattoo.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Tattoos Art

Respected Tattoo Art

The days of tattoo art done in dirty studios in dark alleys are gone. Tattoo art has reached a level of mainstream popularity that has thrust it, not only into the limelight, but also into the heart of the American consumer. Now, white-collar people are willing to spend their hard-earned money on tattoos. The high quality of the tattoo art that is being produced has played a large role in this shift. People from all lifestyles appreciate good art and most want to participate in some way. Tattooing provides a medium to do so.

All of these opportunities were born out of the fact that people began to realize that not only was tattooing an art, but that these artists were very skilled. With a multitude of tattooing milieus available for study, tattoo art has continually gotten better. Tattoo artists commonly choose one form, whether it be Japanese, portrait, freelance, or any number of others, and then focus specifically on developing their skill and expertise in that style. This results in happier customers, a more defined customer base for the artist, and better art for the artistic community.

Advancements in technology are the key to growth and success in any business. The business of tattoo art is no different. Tattoo machines are of a much higher quality than they were even a few years ago and they have expanded the scope and range of work that an artist can do. Though there are some ancient methods of tattooing that produce intricate detail, they are very time consuming and as a result, very costly.

As technology continues to bring the world closer together, tattoo art has seen the integration of different styles and cultures of tattoos. In the past, tattoos could be easily classified by type and culture. Now, people are able to take the best of the ideas from each genre and create a hybrid form of tattoo art.. New designs and styles, inter woven with classic ideas, are popping up in tattoo flash pages all over the internet.

Through a continued expansion in vision, tattoo design, and technology, the market for high quality tattoo art will continue to grow at a steady rate. Not to long ago, the sub-culture of tattoos held themselves at bay from the mainstream culture. Once taboo, tattoo art is becoming socially acceptable, popular, and in demand. Tattooing is becoming a highly lucrative business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

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Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010


Celebrities Love Tattos

It is not really amazing to learn that many celebrities love tattos, nor is it surprising that those who are in the public eye and in the media have quite a considerable influence on the general people’s fascination with tattos. The stars have tattos, so all of their fans want tattos too. One of America's most popular movie stars, Robert DeNiro, has made an appearance in movies, sporting numerous tattos. Bruce Willis also has a few tattos; most notably the symbol of his movie "Die Hard."

Some sports celebrities also vouch for tattos. Tattos has his fraternity symbol tattooed above his chest, while Dennis Rodman is a virtual canvas of artwork.

Not to be defeated, many female stars also show off various degrees of artwork. Young actress Drew Barrymore is essentially a canvas full of tattos; it is believed that she designed them herself. Reese Witherspoon is more understated, wearing only one small star tattoo which is rarely visible. Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has five stars to represent each member of her family, her husband's initials, and the time-honored Jewish phrase 'I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.'

Some of today's supermodels who also sport tattos are Kate Moss, Christy Turlington, and Stephanie Seymour. All of them use Tattos as a temporary form of fashion accessories. Most supermodels who opt for promotional tattos show fewer and smaller designs than celebrities in other fields.

While many celebrities have had tattos for a very long time, the popularity of tattos amongst stars has been ever-increasing, both in the number of celebrities who opt for them and the number of tattos that they have. A very few have only permanent tattoo; more and more are taking on a large number of different temporary tattos like water transfer, Glitter, Crystal Tattos. As celebrities show off their tattos, and this is picked up by the media, it presents a growing influence for their fans, especially amongst the younger generation, who want to ape them. As with anything else that stars do in the public eye, their influence with tattos helps this form of artwork become more prevalent, more popular , and more acceptable to most of the people.


Check out the other guide on Tattoo Removal.

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Design Tattoo

Design Tattoos - The Beauty of Body Art

Once reserved for bikers and promiscuous women, tattoos are now found on millions of people - regular folks like you and me. Getting a tattoo is almost becoming commonplace, and it has opened a whole new field of employment, as well. If you are the artistic type, you may want to consider the possibility of learning how to design tattoos. Many people consider their tattoo a work of art, and many tattoo artists are reaping the financial and emotional rewards of having living canvasses. In recent studies, people who design tattoos report a very high satisfaction rate with their chosen profession, and a good tattoo designer is worth his weight in gold to any tattoo parlor.

How do you learn to design tattoos? You should start with paper and pencil as early as you possibly can. When you are in school, take art classes and practice drawing as much as possible. If you have a love of art and a talent for creating beauty on paper, you may be just the person someone needs to design tattoos.

If you have already gone through school and have a flair for art, you too can learn to design tattoos. Contact a local community college for classes in art or even in tattoo art specifically. They are becoming increasingly more common. Check out some books and websites devoted to the art of tattoo design. Go to a local tattooist and ask about the possibility of submitting some of your work or learning under his tutelage. You never know, maybe you were meant to have your art walking around every day. Maybe you were meant to design tattoos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Delerno

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Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Tattoo Ink

Tattoo Ink and Its Effects on Your Skin

Whether or not tattoo removal is a current consideration at this time, chances are it might be sometime in the future. So the decisions made at the time one has a tattoo put on are very important for they can significantly effect the success of the tattoo removal down the road. The type and color of ink used as well as the professional level of the tattoo artist all play a role in determining the ease and effectiveness of getting it off sometime in the future.

Most tattoo inks technically aren't inks at all but rather a combination of pigments that are suspended in a carrier solution. While some companies claim to use vegetable dyes the reality is most pigments are primarily metal salts. Other pigments are plastics.

Unfortunately, a manufacturer of tattoo ink isn't required to reveal their contents nor is the ink regulated by the FDA or other agencies. Professional tattoo artists rely primarily on the same pigment base found in cosmetics, while amateurs will often use drawing inks such as low grade India ink. These can often contain impurities and toxins which can lead to illness or infection.

Heavy metals used for colors include mercury (red); lead (yellow, green, white); cadmium (red, orange, yellow); nickel (black); zinc (yellow, white); chromium (green); cobalt (blue); aluminum (green, violet); titanium (white); copper (blue, green); iron (brown, black, red); barium (white). Tattoo ink manufacturers typically blend the heavy metal pigments and/or use lightening agents (such as lead or titanium) to reduce production costs.

The carrier is necessary to disinfect the pigment suspension, keep it evenly mixed and provide for ease of application. Some of the most common ingredients used for that purpose are;

Ethanol Purified water Witch hazel Listerine Propylene Glycol Glycerol

When an alcohol is used as part of the carrier base in tattoo ink or to disinfect the skin before the tattoo is applied, it increases the skins permeability, facilitating better transport of chemicals into the bloodstream.

No tattoo leaves the skin unscathed during the process of either getting a tattoo or tattoo removal. When the pigment is injected into the dermal layer of the skin, it does damage to the epidermis, epidermal-junction and the papillary layer (top layer) of the dermis (skin). This actually causes the layers to become homogenized (soft and mushy) right after the tattooing process.

The tattoo process creates an autoimmune response in the body since the skin is damaged and capillaries are broken. The first thing the body wants to do is stop the bleeding by causing swelling as the neutrophils respond to the injury. Neutrophils are phagocyte cells that clean up the damaged area by swallowing up the ink and flushing it through the lymphatic system.

As the healing proceeds, the damaged epidermis flakes away as the ink itself is initially dispersed as fine granules in the upper dermis, (eliminating surface pigment). The ink then gathers into more concentrated areas many days later. This happens as deeper in the skin granulation tissue forms, which is later converted to connective tissues by collagen growth. This mends the upper dermis, where pigment remains trapped within fibroblasts that ultimately concentrate in a layer just below the dermis/epidermis boundary. Once this occurs, the pigment remains stable but throughout the years, it will tend to migrate deeper into the dermis, accounting for the degraded detail of old tattoos.

A majority of people who get tattoos experience very little skin problems but it does happen. Sometimes keloid scars or granulomas develop (red bumps caused by inflammation) and these can provoke allergic reactions, making the skin itch and break out. These allergic reactions can occur with no warning years after getting a tattoo. Dry skin has been known to contribute to this and applying lotion can sometimes relieve it, if that happens to be the cause. Swelling or burning may be experienced if a person were to get an MRI over a tattooed part of the body but the good news is, it shouldn't last long.

It is wise not to get a tattoo over a mole as that will make it harder to detect a cancerous mole growth.

Most skin problems, if they occur, happen when the tattoos are removed. Not only is tattoo removal quite painful but quite often, depending on the process used, there is some scarring following the procedure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dwan_Rager

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

New Tattoo

Proper Care of a New Tattoo

Once finished, you are certainly going to want to know how to take proper care of your new tattoo. From this point on, your artist is not responsible for any infection or problems you may have with your tattoo if you don't take proper care of it. A really beautiful tattoo can turn into a disaster if the proper aftercare is not taken.

Before you walked out of the tattoo salon your artist will have covered up your tattoo with a bandage and for a very good reason. The purpose is to keep the air borne bacteria from invading your wound. Yes, as pretty as your new tattoo is, it is still a wound. Open flesh is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. Resist the urge to peel the bandage away to flaunt your new tat.

After you remove the bandage, you will want to wash your tattoo. Use lukewarm water and mild, liquid antibacterial soap to gently wash away any ointment, blood to completely clean the area. Do not use a washcloth or anything abrasive. Your hand is your best tool in this case. Follow these instructions carefully so you can be certain that you are taking proper care of your new tattoo.

Then pat (do not rub) the area firmly with a clean towel or paper towel to get it completely dry. Follow with a very light application of your choice of ointment. A&D vitamin enriched ointment would be my first choice, but if you don't have any,

Bacitracin or a similar antibacterial ointment is acceptable.
Some can have an allergic reaction to the Neosporin, which causes little red bumps. After you have used the ointments for about 3-5 days then continue to keep the tattoo clean but at this point it is acceptable to use a mild lotion rather than ointment. The purpose is just to keep the skin soft. To ensure proper care of your new tattoo make sure any lotions that you apply are dye and fragrance free. Eucerin lotion seems to work the best for most people.

You can shower with a new tattoo. It's OK to get your tattoo wet, just try not to soak it. If you get soap or shampoo on your tattoo, just remove it quickly with water. Swimming, whether it is a pool, fresh water or salt water should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.

After a few days, you will notice some peeling and possibly a little scabbing. Excessive scabbing could indicate a poorly done tat. Apply warm moist compresses to the scabs for about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day to soften them and they will eventually come off on their own. Taking proper care of your new tattoo means that you will have to endure a bit of discomfort so when your tat starts to heal it will itch but NEVER pick it or scratch it. Rather just slap it softly; this means the tattoo is almost healed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Wamoul

Check out my other guide on Tatto Removal.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


Tattoo Removal Options

Along with an increase in the popularity of tattoos there developed an increase in what is now referred to as tattoo regret. This added pressure to find an easy, effective and affordable method of tattoo removal grew the the size of the tattoo removal industry and with that an increase in research and development spending to find the perfect tattoo removal product. Most of the products were of the home tattoo removal variety.
Does a misshapen tattoo remove its artistic value?
Does a misspelled word in a tattoo remove its meaning?
Does the use of the wrong color on a tattoo remove its beauty?
Does a miss-located tattoo remove or lessen a persons value on the job market?
Finally, should the artist who makes a mistake on a tattoo remove the mistake for free?
Laser, RST and Other Methods
Today, laser removal is a very much improved yet still imperfect tattoo remover. Modern Laser technology has still not been able to come up with a solution to conquer and remove light pigmented tattoos. Physician performed dermabrasion will definitely remove a tattoo, but requires one or more office visits, pain and probably a scar. Salabrasion is a home tattoo removal procedure, but not for those with low pain thresholds since it involves sanding the skin above the tattoo until the ink is removed. That leaves a previously unmentioned method, tattoo removal cream, and TCA tattoo removal. TCA tattoo remover is known to be an effective way to remove tattoo ink. When the cost of tattoo removal is a factor, TCA is one of the most cost effective products available. A tattoo removal using other methods can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars, but with TCA an average size tattoo can be removed for less than $40.00. Just read and follow instructions for a successful tattoo elimination.