Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Tattoos For Women

Hot Tattoos For Women - Hot Tattoo Designs!

One of the most common questions women ask when looking for a tattoo design is - "What are some hot tattoos for women?".

While each women is different and has different opinions and ideas on what tattoos are hot and what are not, there are a few tattoo designs in particular which are widely recognized as being some of the hottest tattoo designs you can find and very popular amongst women as a result.

Lets look at 3 hot tattoos for women right now:

Ankle Tattoos - Tattoos from the lower calf to the ankle region. These tattoos are often small and very detailed designs on the ankle. Lately, there has been a significant rise in the number of women looking to get ankle tattoos. The reason behind this is strict workplace conditions stopping people from displaying there tattoo designs to members of the public. That is why people look to get ankle tattoos as they can be shown off when you want them to be, but also concealed with a sock, or stockings when needing to be hidden.

Heart Tattoos - Another favorite amongst women and they look particularly hot. Heart tattoos are often very detailed and very symbolic. There are a wide range of heart tattoo designs such as sacred heart, locked heart, pierced hearts and a heart with a name. These tattoos are normally associated with love/romance, but are also symbolic of losing a loved one and can signify bravery and sorrow.

Lower back tattoos - the area of the lower back is considered a very sexy area and a perfect spot for a hot tattoo design on women. Butterflies, tribal and fairy tattoos are all popular choices for tattoos in this area of the body.

What I have described are just 3 tattoos for women you could consider if you are looking for a hot tattoo. Remember, the best tattoo design is the one which is not only beautiful, but also meaningful. I strongly recommend you search around online tattoo galleries when looking for a design.( http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Walker)

Find out the other guide on Tattoos Designs.

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Online Tattoo

How to Find the Perfect Online Tattoo Design

When you're in the search to find a tattoo design online, many possible blocks may present themselves, especially if you're searching for a free design. There's a lot of images out there on the web, and I'm sure a great deal would make some excellent tattoos, but there's also many that definitely would not.

Starting with an image search on any search engine can produce some results, but it may take hours to sift through the thousands of images that come up. Another huge possibility is that you think you've come up with the best search term possible, but it produces next to no results. To combat this problem to find the tattoo design online, you may need to just suck it up, broaden your search results and sift through those thousands of pictures that come up with the image result.

If you've found that perfect tattoo design online, you still need to consider a few other problems that might arise. The first is whether that particular image belongs to any one person. I feel it's particularly important to consider, when the image you have chosen is someone's personal work of art. A lot of people live off of the artwork they create, and are searching to get their work recognized by placing it on the web. Make sure that you aren't stealing anyone's work. I'm pretty sure if you sent a simple message to any artist explaining that you think their artwork is beautiful and you would like to put it on your body, they may be able to work out some agreement with you.

Another huge problem that can present itself when picking a tattoo design online is whether or not it would actually make a good tattoo. Unless you're an artist (in which case you could probably draw your own tattoos), you may have difficulty realizing the type of canvas that the human body provides, and you may get yourself all ready to go into a tattoo parlor to get your tattoo, only to find out that the design you picked would actually look more like a blob of nothing than perhaps, say, a flower.

An easy solution to both of these problems would be to find a tattoo design online gallery. There's quite a few out there, including several free ones. I would personally suggest, however, looking into a paid site. A lot of the free tattoo sites out there, have a very limited selection. Their content also often appears to be amateur and sometimes even childlike. I'm definitely not saying to completely rule out the free sites. Check them out, and you may have some great luck finding the perfect tattoo. If you are truly serious about finding your tattoo design online, though, checking out a paid site is definitely worth it. I think online tattoo galleries are a great place. They give an outlet for artists (especially those who create tattoos) to get their work out there, and they're guaranteed to be great as a tattoo.

One last piece of advice, make sure that you know exactly what you want. Going in to a tattoo parlor unprepared can result in a very expensive mistake that's not easy to get rid of or cover up. If you know what you want though, and want to go in to your tattoo appointment prepared. I know it is more than possible to find that perfect tattoo design online.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jana_Williams)

Find out the other guide on Tattoos Designs.

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Symbol Tattoo

Everything You Need To Know About Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese symbol tattoos are very popular today because they are really beautiful. And because most of us in the Western people cannot read Chinese symbol, Chinese symbol tattoos become an exotic form of expression.

My Name is Yingying and I am a Chinese Tattoo Artist. I have been providing custom Chinese tattoo translation and design service during the past three years.
Western people sometimes ask me some questions when they are planning to get Chinese symbols tattoos.

I have listed some of the most FAQs as below. you may find the answers are very useful information if you are planning to get one soon.

Can anything be translated and written in Chinese symbols?

Yes, anything can be translated and written in Chinese symbols. Chinese has more than 4000 years history. The most ancient Chinese symbols called oracle were written on animal bones. Chinese is a fully developed writing system with over 70,000 symbols (characters), capable of recording all nuances of contemporary language.

What are the differences between kanji and Chinese symbols?

Kanji is the term for Chinese symbols that are used in the Japanese language. Kanji in Japanese are typically characters from the Chinese language that have been adapted to mean Japanese words. The meanings in Chinese and Japanese can be the same but pronounced differently, or they may have entirely different meanings.

Why do I need the custom designs for a Chinese tattoo?

Your tattooist needs the design as a clear reference while inking. If you get free translation from web or somewhere else, it is usually a small and blur image which can not be used for inking purpose. If the tattooist does use it for inking, then your Chinese tattoo is worse than do not have one at all. (You may find some vivid samples of both bad and good Chinese tattoos on my website). Comparing the free crap, the custom tattoo design is large clear image come with stencil outline which your tattooist will use it to ink a high quality Chinese symbol tattoo on your body.

Can one English word be translated into either one symbol or two symbols?

The answer is it depends on the English word to be translated. Some English words can be translated into either one symbol or two symbols. For example, beauty can be translated into either one or two symbols, and the meaning is the same. Whereas, some words must be translated into two symbols, hope is an example, there is no single Chinese symbol which can be express the meaning of hope.

Having your body inked can be a very rewarding experience which can last for the rest of your life. Many people who have Chinese symbol tattoos feel that they are very much symbolic representations of their inner feelings and personality. That is the power of choosing a Chinese symbol tattoo that represents your true self, so it is of the up most importance to select the Chinese Symbols perfect match the meanings you want to express through your tattoos.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yingying_Lin)

Find out the other guide on Tattoos Designs.

Senin, 21 Juni 2010


Tattoo Equipment - What You Need to Get Started on Your Tattooist Career Path

If you are planning on becoming an apprentice tattoo artist, you'll need to buy your own tattoo equipment. While tattoo guns use needles that need to be disposed or sterilized after every use, you will need your own equipment to practice on. Aside from finding the right equipment, you'll also need to know what you need and what you can do without. The gun uses needles and ink to apply the tattoo, but it also gets its power from an amp. A tattoo amp is plugged into an electrical outlet and adjusted to control the speed and depth that needles go into the skin. Tattoo ink is specifically made to be used on human skin, comes in an endless array of colors and can be mixed for custom colors.

When you first start shopping for tattoo equipment, look at the weight of the tattoo gun and power of the amplifier. If you are a beginner, a lighter gun will be best because it will put less of a strain on your arm. The amplifier doesn't need to be particularly powerful as you will not be tattooing in long sessions. Getting a few packs of needles and pig's skin to practice with will also be needed.

Believe it or not, but most tattoo parlors don't sell tattoo equipment. You will need to find a tattoo supply store before being able to purchase equipment. If you cannot find a tattoo store locally, look for one online. Look up the specifications for weight and power as well as look up the manufacturer before making a purchase. See if it comes with a warranty as you might change your mind after you use it a few times. Eventually you will become more comfortable using a heavier tattoo gun, but apprentices often spend years training before needing heavier professional equipment.

While using tattoo equipment, you will have to take careful safety precautions. All equipment, including the needles, tattoo gun and attachments should be cleaned thoroughly. You will need to wash you hands, put on disposable gloves and take care not to stab yourself with the needles. After it is turned off, you should unplug the amp and properly dispose of the needles. It is very dangerous to keep used needles in a gun when not in use. Even if the tattoo needles are clean, they can still pose a threat if the gun is not carefully stored.

Shopping for tattoo equipment should be a fast venture as there are only a few specifications you should consider before buying. Make sure that the weight of the tattoo gun is light enough to use for several hours at a time. Get an amp that has a steady power supply and adequate voltage, and check to see if the power cords are included. Buy a small bottle of ink and some pig skin for practicing, as well as some disposable gloves and antibacterial soap for sanitizing your hands. Keep the warranties and return policies of equipment purchased in mind in case you end up not liking the products. After a view years practicing on your newly acquired equipment you will be able to get licensed as a professional tattoo artist.( http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Betty_Barker)

Find out the other guide on Tattoos Designs.

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Angel Tattoos

Angel Tattoos Can Have Different Meanings

Both men and women like angel tattoos. They have a spiritual significance that can be expressed very differently from one person to the next. There are a wide variety of designs, guardian angels, cherubs, cupids, fallen angels and archangels to name a few. You can find a unique tattoo to express your intended meaning. The hardest part is finding a good quality design. Did you know that many tattoo pictures that you find on the internet were never intended to be used as tattoo designs? You don't want sub standard quality of design to ruin a lifelong representation on your body.

Angel tattoos can have many different meanings. Angels are considered messengers of God who guide and protect us. By having an angel tattoo you can show your spirituality and faith in God. Some angel tattoos depict a lost loved one. If you believe that the loved one becomes an angel after leaving this life, you can portray that person in ink as an angel. Perhaps you can place them on your shoulder as a guardian angel. Guardian angel tattoos are very popular. People with guardian angel tattoos could be symbolizing the need to be looked after or cared for.

Cherub angel tattoos are popular with women. They are small and cute and are a good size to fit on the shoulder or ankle. Many people inscribe the name of a loved one on the cherub angel tattoo. You can also use a cherub tattoo to remember young children.

Find a tattoo artist who has experience doing angel tattoos. Always look through their books and see how some of their designs look on skin. Check out the detail. Talk to your artist to see if he/she has any ideas on how to make your angel tattoo unique.

When you go to the artist you want to already have a good idea of the kind of angel tattoo you want to get. Take some time to browse over many designs. Combine two designs together to get your perfect angel tattoo. To keep up with the times, make sure you are browsing up to date tattoos. You don't want to use a design that has been around for years and become boring to see.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynne_Jones)

Find out the other guide on Tribal Tattoos.

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Tattoos For Men

Finding Fresh Back Tattoos For Men on the Web These Days

It's not just about wandering upon a gallery that has fresh back tattoos for men. You also want crisp, quality drawn tattoo designs, right? Well, nine out of ten guys won't even get to "one" gallery that has half way decent artwork like that. I will show you why that happens and how to stop it in it's tracks, so you can find all the superb back tattoos for men you need to make a decision.

There is a very good reason why I brought this specific subject up. I was simply sick and tired of hearing about so many guys not being able to find quality drawn tattoo designs. Only about ten percent of people will truly find the tattoo they ultimately want. Most of the rest will end up settling on something far less than they were really after. That part is what gets me the most. No sane, rational person should be "settling" on a tattoo. If you do that when picking back tattoos for men, you are making a big mistake.

Most people who settle on some random tattoo end up regretting that decision in the future, but it's too late by then, as the design is already etched on their skin. Do you want to know why so many guys aren't finding good back tattoos for men and any other tattoo styles? It's because most people are still using one of their favorite search engines to look for them.

Long story short, this just isn't working. In fact, it's the #1 reason so may people wind up seeing nothing but the same old, generic junk and cookie cutter tattoo designs. Search engines are giving people the same stagnant list of galleries that have anything besides this generic crud on their pages. If you really like generic kinds of back tattoos for men, this is your gold mine. If you finally want to find the galleries that take pride in having quality drawn artwork, you need another way to find them.

So, how can you do that? Well, you do it be using some of the bigger forums across the web, because they are sensational tool for finding out exactly where other guys have uncovered top notch tattoo art. The reason I say to use "big" forums is because they generally have a huge backlog of tattoo related topics. This is where other enthusiasts sharing all of their findings of superb artwork. You won't believe how many amazing back tattoos for men you aren't seeing by sticking with the other traditional searching method. It's that simple.

Most people end up giving up and selecting some generic back tattoos for men, but it doesn't have to be that way if you don't want it to.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Woodham)

Find out the other guide on Tribal Tattoos.

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Symbol Tattoos

Interesting Symbol Tattoos

There are many different symbols that can be used for a symbolic tattoo. These tattoos truly speak to what you are about to others. It shows a small part of your life whether it be your faith, the one you love, or even history. They are personal tattoos, and should be thought of a great deal before getting one drawn onto you.

A tattoo that describes your faith could use religious symbols such as crosses, and pentagrams. There are many different symbols for faith that may not even be religious too. They could also include symbols of certain holidays, and celebrations. These are very meaningful tattoos to you, as the wearer. They show your pride in your faith, and what you believe in. Often they are paired with other objects such as flowers, and quotes to have an even deeper meaning.

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, and sometimes you wish to show those feelings to the world. Getting a tattoo that symbolizes love is very popular, and simple to do. Some of the more common symbols of love would be hearts, and red roses. Many times the hearts overlap and/or include the name of your loved one. Other symbols of love may be an activity that the two of you share, wedding rings, or even wine glasses. These tattoos should show your strong feelings for each other, and need to be carefully thought of.

Some symbols show our history on earth. These are also popular amongst tattoos. This could be anything, a certain flag, peace sign, or a building. History is something one should not forget, and making a tattoo is one way of ensuring that. History books and museums are great ways to find such interesting symbols. Also if you happened to grow up in a certain event perhaps you wish to use that date as a tattoo. Dates can be very meaningful by itself or even paired with an object of that time period.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mitch_Green)

Find out the other guide on Tribal Tattoos.